12 Facts About Farting You Probably Didn’t Know

Sometimes, hiccups and burping are bodily functions which make people annoyed. They can be very embarrassing. But, one of the most embarrassing things is definitely farting in public. People can also be judgmental in case you fart in public.

1. Men fart a lot! They fart more than women!

2. The word itself was created in 1962. It means that wind comes out of the anus.

3. Adult people fart about 14 times a day on average.

4. It means that the air which comes out of the anus 14 times a day can fill up a balloon.

5. Farting isn’t humiliating at all! It means that you are healthy. A healthy digestive tract produces flatulates. In case you aren’t farting, you should visit a specialist.

6. Farts contain hydrogen sulfide which decreases the mitochondrial harm. You should thank the people who fart because it means that they are healthy.

7. The fart from females stinks much more than male farts as females possess a higher grouping of hydrogen sulfide. Female farts are also more beneficial to smell.

8. Farting can go as quick as 10 ft/sec.

9. In case of a tight sphincter, your farts will be louder.

10. When you chew gum more or drink soda, you will fart more. If you know a person who farts a lot, it may be because of this reason.

11. Much of the farting happens while we rest, at night.

12. The creatures which fart the most are termites. Others include sheep, camels, elephants, canines (especially retrievers and labs) and zebras.
Next time you fart in public, don’t be embarrassed! It is healthy, normal and natural!


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